Nurturing roots for peaceful family sleep

Hi! My name is Amy Herron. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Child & Youth Care, I am a proud mom of 2 busy, energetic toddlers, and I am a Certified Baby-Led Sleep and Well-Being Specialist! I offer holistic sleep support services for babies and toddlers without using sleep training. I have worked with children, youth, and families in many capacities over my career, including children with neurodiversity, and I have always had a passion for working with kids. I have completed many hours of training on a variety of topics such as attachment, trauma-informed practice, and child development.

Meet Amy

My Story

My journey to being a Baby-Led Sleep™ and Well-Being Specialist began when my eldest was only a few months old. I was feeling very overwhelmed and overtired, and I turned to the internet where I was immediately bombarded by information. So much of what I read didn't feel right for me or my baby and I was often left feeling like I was doing the wrong thing. After lots of searching and lots of tears, I was finally able to find a space that aligned with how I wanted to parent and reminded me to trust myself. It started as a search for "how to get my baby to sleep longer" (which resulted in lots of "tips and tricks" that never seemed to work for me or my baby) and turned into discovering a more holistic approach to helping my baby sleep. I was able to grow more confident in myself as a parent and find some peace in my parenting journey.

My goal is to now help other parents do the same. Using the Baby-Led Sleep™ Approach, I help parents feel empowered in their choices, as well as equip them with information that will inform those choices. There are so many factors that contribute to how a baby sleeps and my role will be to look at all those factors and help families make changes that feel right for everyone. I will guide families to reach their sleep goals and find some peace and comfort along the way!

What is the Baby-Led Sleep Approach?

The Baby-Led Sleep Approach emphasizes honing your instincts as a parent and learning your baby’s cues. It is a holistic, evidence-based, attachment-focused approach for parents who are looking for an alternative to sleep training. By looking at multiple factors in family life such as lifestyle and culture, temperament and stress, sleep environment, common sleep interrupters, feeding, parental mental health, and so much more, I am able to provide customized sleep solutions that will align with your family’s beliefs and values.

This approach also includes providing education on a variety of topics such as what “normal” infant sleep actually looks like, sleep science, emotional regulation, and more, and will empower you to make confident, informed decisions as a parent.

Every baby and family is different, therefore every sleep solution will be different. I do not use any sleep training methods and I will never ask you to do anything that doesn’t feel right for you or your baby.

Book a FREE consultation with Amy.